Friday, January 27, 2012

“A Song is a Wonderful Kind of Thing”

 In an article entitled “Praise to the Man” in the August 1983 issue of the Ensign magazine, President Gordon B. Hinckley described how music played a role in his gaining a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He states:

“Many years ago when at the age of twelve I was ordained a deacon, my father, who was president of our stake, took me to my first stake priesthood meeting. . . .Together these men lifted their strong voices, some with the accents of the European lands from which they had come as converts, all singing these words with a great spirit of conviction and testimony: “Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.” (“Praise to the Man,” Hymns, no. 27) They were singing of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and as they did so there came into my heart a great surge of love for and belief in the mighty Prophet of this dispensation. In my childhood I had been taught much of him in meetings and classes in our ward as well as in our home; but my experience in that stake priesthood meeting was different. I knew then, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God.”

As the Primary Music Leader, you have been called to foster this same sweet spirit in your Primary so the children in your stewardship may also experience what President Hinckley described.
  You and I have both felt that same tenderness as the spirit testified to us and that great swelling that takes place inside our hearts. How wonderful it is when we can help another feel that same sweetness.

We are reminded in the handbook that: Music in Primary should invite reverence, teach the gospel, and help children feel the influence of the Holy Ghost and the joy that comes through singing.” If you give this more than a casual glance, you can see the charge of this calling is weighty, but the blessings far extend beyond the sacrifices you are making. I know when we sing these inspired songs; the Spirit is close and will testify of the truth of spiritual things.
At this time of year, the children’s sacrament meeting presentation gives children an opportunity to share what they have learned in Primary. Through word and music, they have the blessing of being an instrument in strengthening the testimonies of the congregation.  Do not become discouraged as your practice and prepare for the program.  Remember what you are trying to do.  Remember that programs come and go but the music can help all in attendance know and feel “Our Saviors Love”.  It is a small and simple task when we remember this.

As encouragement and inspiration, the Stake Primary Leaders would like to invite the ward music leaders to the auxiliary meeting in October, we desire to have you come be with us as we learn, review and share the importance of having primary songs sink deep into the hearts of these precious children.  It is such an awesome responsibility that you have been called to. At this meeting we will be discussing how to balance fun and sacred time so that our activities don’t divert attention away from what might be a sacred experience. Together we will share ideas about how to engage these children in such a powerful way that they too will feel that “surge of love” come over them as they sing the inspired primary songs and hymns.

I consider the calling as the ward music leader one of the most rewarding callings in the ward.  I look forward to meeting you and working together to magnify our callings.  May the Lord continue to bless you as you “Lift Up Your Voice and Sing”.

Auxiliary Training

A Song is a Wonderful Kind of Thing
Stake Auxiliary Training

1.      Welcome

2.    Feed My Lambs:
a.     My Feelings about Primary Music (men’s shoes)

3.    How Do We Feed His Lamb
a.     Putting it deep into their hearts. (educated conscience)
b.    Responsibilities

4.    Preparing to Teach
a.     Know the song
b.    Study the scripture
c.     Pray for Inspiration
d.     Plan how to teach

5.     Teaching Children (sharing ideas)
a.     Sing
b.    Get Attention
c.     Direct Listening ( singing survey)
d.     Use Teaching Aids
e.     Use Musical Ideas (use audio from ipod)/ (creative piano)
f.       Review the Songs ( progress chart- Christine)
g.     Help Children Sing Correctly (volume not loud)
h.    Encourage to Sing at Home
i.       Bear Testimony

6.    Direct Listening
a.     Ask Questions

7.     Using Teaching Aids
a.     Focus
b.    Stimulate
c.     Clarify

8.    Close with Testimony

Songs By Page Number